Wednesday, September 14, 2016

RTR026 “Stronger Lady” Hot Tears 7”

HOT TEARS delivered an achingly powerful two song masterpiece with the STRONGER LADY 7". "Stronger Lady" and "Like Sand" capture Molly Fischer's songwriting at her best. Catchy, pressing, heartbreaking and heart-rebuilding in one syncopated moment.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

RTR024 “Beyond What’s Left” Bitpart LP

Get on this wave length : Julie, Eric (ex FAT BEAVER) and Franck are BITPART and "Beyond What's Left" was their 2016 brilliant full length release. Simple, catchy punk rock. What more? Great dual vocal melodies and irresistible single string guitar solos. Super relatable lyrics. Very awesome.

RTR was lucky to be the USA gateway for this split release with Destructure Records (Caen, France) - 

Thursday, March 31, 2016

RTR025 “Live At The Wunderbar” Erica Freas Live Cassette

LIVE CASSETTE recorded in Lyttelton, New Zealand during March 2016.
12 tracks of some well worn classics, some peeks into the future and some perhaps some glimmers of short lived songs that may or may not come again.